Australian Unity is a national healthcare, financial services, and independent & assisted living organisation providing services to almost one million customers, including 300,000 members nationwide.As a mutual company with a 175 year history, Australian Unity has developed a strong focus on taking care of members.This purpose was forged in previous centuries when governments did not provide the social and welfare services that many Australians now take for granted.Today, the nation is facing increasing pressures from an ageing population. Australians are faced with new challenges. These include creating financial security in an increasingly uncertain economic environment, dealing with the rise of chronic diseases, and finding a secure and healthy life in retirement.Australian Unity is uniquely placed to help Australians deal with these challenges. We are a diversified group of businesses offering healthcare, financial services and retirement services. We employ more than 2,000 staff in various locations across Victoria, New South Wales, South Australia and Queensland. Our products and services are designed to enable customers to achieve a sense of wellbeing. Our understanding of wellbeing is derived from 15 years, with Deakin University, of the Australian Unity Wellbeing Index. Src:

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