Best offers from AGL

What are the Cheapest offers from AGL

StateDistributorEstimated Cost
VICAusNet Services (electricity)$896.40
VICUnited Energy$816.21
VICEssential Energy$1087.19
NSWEssential Energy$1087.19
SASA Power Networks$1132.91

*The above and below estimates include GST and are based on the predefined usage per year. Your actual bill is based on your energy use, address and tariff type and other factors.

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Distributors: Jemena (VIC), AusNet Services (electricity) (VIC), Citipower (VIC), Powercor (VIC), United Energy (VIC), Essential Energy (VIC), Ausgrid (NSW), Endeavour (NSW), Essential Energy (NSW), Energex (QLD), SA Power Networks (SA)


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