In February 2023, NBN Co announced that an additional one million households and businesses would soon have the chance to opt for faster and more dependable broadband services, thanks to the ongoing expansion of full-fibre connections to premises nationwide. NBN Co’s overarching objective is to bring NBN Home Ultrafast to as many as 10 million properties, encompassing up to 90 percent of residences and commercial establishments throughout Australia. This service will provide wholesale download speeds ranging from 500 Mbps to nearly 1 Gbps to achieve this by the conclusion of 2025.
If your suburb has transitioned from Fibre to the Node/Fibre to the Curb to Fibre to the Premises, you have the option to request a free upgrade to FTTP when you subscribe to a plan offering higher speeds, such as Home Fast, Home Superfast, or Home Ultrafast.
Who Can Get a Free Upgrade to FTTP
If your suburb has transitioned from Fibre to the Node/Fibre to the Curb to Fibre to the Premises, you have the option to request a free upgrade to FTTP when you subscribe to a plan offering higher speeds, such as Home Fast, Home Superfast, or Home Ultrafast from one of the participating internet providers. These providers can assist you in choosing suitable plan options and guide any necessary equipment. Additionally, they can facilitate the scheduling of appointments with nbn technicians.
How to Get a Free Upgrade to FTTP
- Check Eligibility: Visit the official NBN Co website at to check if your suburb is eligible for the full-fibre upgrade. This step is crucial to determine whether you can access the service in your area.
- Choose a Participating Provider: If your address is eligible for the upgrade to FTTB, you’ll need to select a participating internet service provider (ISP) that offers NBN100 or higher FTTB plans. These plans typically offer faster speeds and better performance. You can compare plans (nbn100, nbn250 and nbn100) from different participating ISPs to find one that suits your needs and budget.
- Place Your Order: Once you’ve chosen an ISP and selected an appropriate FTTB plan, place your order with them. The ISP will arrange an appointment with you for the installation process.
- Installation: An NBN-approved technician will visit your home or business to install the new NBN equipment both inside and outside your premises. This equipment is essential for accessing the full-fibre NBN service.
nbn Home Fast Plans From Participating Internet Providers
Title | Data | Speed | Price | |
Tangerine Telecom Speedy nbn100 Plan | Unlimited | 100/20 Mbps | $64.90 | GO |
Mate – No Worries nbn100 Plan | Unlimited | 100/20 Mbps | $65.00 | GO |
Moose Mobile nbn Elite | Unlimited | 100/20 Mbps | $66.80 | GO |
Exetel Family nbn Plan | Unlimited | 100/20 Mbps | $68.99 | GO |
Superloop Family nbn Plan | Unlimited | 100/20 Mbps | $69.00 | GO |
Flip Unlimited Turbo Boost NBN Broadband Plan | Unlimited | 100/20 Mbps | $69.00 | GO |
Leaptel Fixed Wireless + NBN Plan | Unlimited | 100/20 Mbps | $69.95 | GO |
SpinTel nbn100 Broadband Plan | Unlimited | 100/20 Mbps | $71.00 | GO |
Leaptel Full Throttle Unlimited NBN Plan | Unlimited | 100/20 Mbps | $74.95 | GO |
Dodo Unlimited nbn100 Broadband Plan | Unlimited | 100/20 Mbps | $75.00 | GO |
Mate – You Beaut nbn100/40 Plan | Unlimited | 100/40 Mbps | $75.00 | GO |
Superloop Power Home nbn Plan | Unlimited | 100/40 Mbps | $75.00 | GO |
More Telecom Fast NBN | Unlimited | 100/20 Mbps | $77.20 | GO |
Exetel Power Home nbn Plan | Unlimited | 100/40 Mbps | $78.99 | GO |
Optus nbn100 Broadband Plan | Unlimited | 100/20 Mbps | $79.00 | GO |
Node1 Home Fast nbn Broadband Plan | Unlimited | 100/20 Mbps | $79.00 | GO |
Southern Phone nbn Satellite Large Plan | Unlimited | 100/5 Mbps | $79.00 | GO |
Swoop Home Fast NBN Fixed Line | Unlimited | 100/20 Mbps | $79.00 | GO |
OCCOM Unlimited Superfast nbn Broadband Plan | Unlimited | 100/20 Mbps | $79.88 | GO |
VeeTel NBN Fast | Unlimited | 100/20 Mbps | $79.95 | GO |
iPrimus Premium nbn Broadband Plan | Unlimited | 100/20 Mbps | $80.00 | GO |
More Telecom Fast Plus NBN | Unlimited | 100/40 Mbps | $80.20 | GO |
Leaptel Full Throttle Unlimited NBN Plan + Upload Boost | Unlimited | 100/40 Mbps | $84.95 | GO |
Southern Phone nbn Fast Plan | Unlimited | 100/20 Mbps | $85.00 | GO |
Aussie Broadband Unlimited Fast nbn Plan | Unlimited | 100/20 Mbps | $85.00 | GO |
Node1 Home Fast+ nbn Broadband Plan | Unlimited | 120/40 Mbps | $89.00 | GO |
Buroserv – 100/20 Business NBN | Unlimited | 100/20 Mbps | $89.95 | GO |
OntheNet 200GB nbn100 Gold Coast Broadband Plan | 200Gbs | 100/40 Mbps | $89.95 | GO |
Activ8me 250GB HyperSonic NBN Fibre Plan | 250Gbs | 100/40 Mbps | $89.95 | GO |
iiNet NBN100 Plan | Unlimited | 100/20 Mbps | $89.99 | GO |
NewSprout – 100/20 nbn Plan | Unlimited | 100/20 Mbps | $94.00 | GO |
Launtel Unlimited nbn100/20 Broadband Plan | Unlimited | 100/20 Mbps | $94.29 | GO |
Mint Telecom Unlimited Fast NBN Broadband Plan | Unlimited | 100/20 Mbps | $94.95 | GO |
Buroserv – 100/40 Business NBN | Unlimited | 100/40 Mbps | $94.95 | GO |
Telstra Upfront Internet Plan Premium nbn Plan | Unlimited | 100/20 Mbps | $95.00 | GO |
NewSprout – 100/40 nbn Plan | Unlimited | 100/40 Mbps | $99.00 | GO |
Activ8me Sky Muster Plus Premium 100 | Unlimited | 100/5 Mbps | $99.00 | GO |
Mint Telecom 2TB Fast Plus NBN Broadband Plan | 2000Gbs | 100/40 Mbps | $99.95 | GO |
OntheNet Unlimited nbn100 Gold Coast Broadband Plan | Unlimited | 100/40 Mbps | $99.95 | GO |
Activ8me Unlimited HyperSonic NBN Fibre Plan | Unlimited | 100/40 Mbps | $99.95 | GO |
Commander Premium Business NBN | Unlimited | 100/40 Mbps | $100.00 | GO |
AGL Home Fast NBN Broadband Plan | Unlimited | 100/20 Mbps | $104.00 | GO |
Aussie Broadband Unlimited 100/40Mbps nbn Plan | Unlimited | 100/40 Mbps | $105.00 | GO |
Launtel Unlimited nbn100/40 Broadband Plan | Unlimited | 100/40 Mbps | $106.46 | GO |
2iT Technology NBN 100/40 Plan | Unlimited | 100/40 Mbps | $109.00 | GO |
OntheNet 200GB nbn100 Broadband Plan | 200Gbs | 100/40 Mbps | $109.95 | GO |
OntheNet Unlimited nbn100 Broadband Plan | Unlimited | 100/40 Mbps | $129.95 | GO |
nbn Home Superfast Plans From Participating Internet Providers
Title | Data | Speed | Price | |
SpinTel nbn250 Broadband Plan | Unlimited | 250/40 Mbps | $79.00 | GO |
Leaptel Fixed Wireless Fast NBN Plan | Unlimited | 250/20 Mbps | $79.95 | GO |
Exetel Superfast nbn Plan | Unlimited | 250/25 Mbps | $83.99 | GO |
Flip Unlimited Super Speed NBN Broadband Plan | Unlimited | 250/25 Mbps | $84.00 | GO |
Swoop Home Superfast NBN Fixed Line | Unlimited | 250/25 Mbps | $84.00 | GO |
Node1 Home Superfast nbn Broadband Plan | Unlimited | 250/25 Mbps | $84.00 | GO |
Tangerine Telecom Super Speedy nbn250 Plan | Unlimited | 250/25 Mbps | $84.90 | GO |
Superloop Superfast nbn Plan | Unlimited | 250/25 Mbps | $85.00 | GO |
Leaptel Turbo Boost Unlimited NBN Plan | Unlimited | 250/25 Mbps | $89.00 | GO |
Optus nbn250 Broadband Plan | Unlimited | 250/25 Mbps | $89.00 | GO |
iPrimus Home Superfast nbn Broadband Plan | Unlimited | 250/25 Mbps | $90.00 | GO |
Mate – Fair Dinkum nbn250 Plan | Unlimited | 250/25 Mbps | $90.00 | GO |
More Telecom Superfast NBN | Unlimited | 250/25 Mbps | $92.00 | GO |
OCCOM Unlimited Rocket nbn Broadband Plan | Unlimited | 250/25 Mbps | $94.88 | GO |
Southern Phone nbn Superfast Plan | Unlimited | 250/25 Mbps | $95.00 | GO |
iiNet Superfast nbn Plan | Unlimited | 250/25 Mbps | $99.99 | GO |
Dodo Unlimited nbn Home Superfast Broadband Plan | Unlimited | 250/25 Mbps | $100.00 | GO |
Buroserv – 250/25 Business NBN | Unlimited | 250/25 Mbps | $105.95 | GO |
Aussie Broadband Super-Fast nbn Plan | Unlimited | 250/25 Mbps | $109.00 | GO |
OntheNet 400GB nbn250 Gold Coast Broadband Plan | 400Gbs | 250/25 Mbps | $109.95 | GO |
Launtel Unlimited Home SuperFast Broadband Plan | Unlimited | 250/25 Mbps | $118.63 | GO |
Mint Telecom 2TB Superfast NBN Broadband Plan | 2000Gbs | 250/25 Mbps | $119.95 | GO |
AGL Home Superfast NBN Broadband Plan | Unlimited | 250/25 Mbps | $124.00 | GO |
NewSprout – 250/25 nbn Plan | Unlimited | 250/25 Mbps | $129.00 | GO |
Telstra Upfront Internet Plan Ultimate nbn Plan | Unlimited | 250/25 Mbps | $130.00 | GO |
Aussie Broadband Super-Fast Pro nbn Plan | Unlimited | 250/100 Mbps | $139.00 | GO |
Buroserv – 250/100 Business NBN | Unlimited | 250/100 Mbps | $145.00 | GO |
OntheNet Unlimited nbn250 Gold Coast Broadband Plan | Unlimited | 250/25 Mbps | $149.95 | GO |
Launtel Unlimited nbn250/100 Broadband Plan | Unlimited | 250/100 Mbps | $161.21 | GO |
Commander Superfast Business NBN | Unlimited | 250/100 Mbps | $165.00 | GO |
nbn Home Ultrafast Plans From Participating Internet Providers
Title | Data | Speed | Price | |
Swoop Home Ultrafast NBN Fixed Line | Unlimited | 1000/50 Mbps | $99.00 | GO |
Leaptel Super Sonic Unlimited NBN Plan | Unlimited | 1000/50 Mbps | $99.00 | GO |
Superloop Lightspeed nbn Plan | Unlimited | 1000/50 Mbps | $99.00 | GO |
Node1 Home Ultrafast nbn Broadband Plan | Unlimited | 1000/50 Mbps | $99.00 | GO |
Optus nbn1000 Broadband Plan | Unlimited | 1000/50 Mbps | $99.00 | GO |
Tangerine Telecom Ultrafast Speed Plan | Unlimited | 1000/50 Mbps | $104.90 | GO |
Southern Phone nbn Ultrafast Plan | Unlimited | 1000/50 Mbps | $105.00 | GO |
More Telecom Ultrafast NBN | Unlimited | 1000/50 Mbps | $108.00 | GO |
iiNet Ultrafast nbn Plan | Unlimited | 1000/50 Mbps | $109.99 | GO |
iPrimus Home Ultrafast nbn Broadband Plan | Unlimited | 1000/50 Mbps | $110.00 | GO |
OCCOM Unlimited Lightning nbn Broadband Plan | Unlimited | 1000/250 Mbps | $114.88 | GO |
Aussie Broadband Ultra-Fast nbn Plan | Unlimited | 1000/50 Mbps | $119.00 | GO |
Launtel Unlimited #FastAF Broadband Plan | Unlimited | 1000/50 Mbps | $127.75 | GO |
OntheNet 400GB nbn1000 Gold Coast Broadband Plan | 400Gbs | 1000/50 Mbps | $129.95 | GO |
AGL Home Ultrafast NBN Broadband Plan | Unlimited | 1000/50 Mbps | $144.00 | GO |
Telstra Upfront Internet Plan Ultrafast nbn Plan | Unlimited | 1000/50 Mbps | $150.00 | GO |
NewSprout – 1000/50 nbn Plan | Unlimited | 1000/50 Mbps | $169.00 | GO |
OntheNet Unlimited nbn1000 Gold Coast Broadband Plan | Unlimited | 1000/50 Mbps | $189.95 | GO |
Aussie Broadband Ultra-Fast Pro nbn Plan | Unlimited | 1000/400 Mbps | $199.00 | GO |
Launtel Unlimited #FastAF-400 Broadband Plan | Unlimited | 1000/400 Mbps | $304.17 | GO |
Buroserv – 1000/400 Business NBN | Unlimited | 1000/400 Mbps | $337.95 | GO |
NewSprout – 1000/400 nbn Plan | Unlimited | 1000/400 Mbps | $469.00 | GO |
What's different between FTTN/FTTC and FTTP?
Fibre to the Node: FTTN extends fibre optic cables from the central exchange or data center to a neighbourhood node or cabinet. From the node, traditional copper or coaxial cables are used to connect individual homes and businesses. It is a hybrid technology that relies on existing copper or coaxial infrastructure for the last-mile connection. Typically offers lower speeds and can be susceptible to degradation over longer copper cable lengths.
Fibre to the Curb: Fibre optic cables are extended to a distribution point near the premises, often a curb or pit close to the property. The final connection from the distribution point to the home or business uses existing copper or coaxial cables. Still, the copper length is much shorter compared to FTTN. It offers better speeds and more stable performance compared to FTTN due to the shorter copper distance.
Fibre to the Premises: Fibre optic cables are directly extended to individual premises, such as a home or business. This technology provides the highest-quality internet connection, eliminating reliance on older copper or coaxial cables. Offers symmetrical high-speed internet access, with the ability to deliver gigabit (1 Gbps) or higher speeds, both for uploads and downloads. Generally more reliable and future-proof compared to FTTN and FTTC.
Pros and Cons of FTTP
- High-Speed Internet up to 1 Gbps
- Symmetrical Speeds for Enterprise Ethernet Plans
- Highly reliable
- Upgraded without the need for significant infrastructure changes
- FTTP infrastructure is expensive
- Deploying FTTP networks is time-consuming
- Not be available in all areas
- It is challenging and expensive to repair if fibre optic cables are damaged
Who should consider FTTP?
Fibre to the Premises (FTTP) is a versatile broadband technology ideal for various users and situations, encompassing Heavy Internet Users, Remote Workers, Small Businesses, Online Gamers, Content Creators, Multifamily Households, Healthcare Facilities, Educational Institutions, the Media and Entertainment Industry, and more.
- Heavy Internet Users: Households frequently engage in data-intensive activities such as streaming 4K/8K videos, online gaming, and downloading large files.
- Remote Workers: Professionals working from home or telecommuting require a stable and fast internet connection.
- Small Businesses and Home Offices: Small businesses and home offices rely on fast and reliable Internet for daily operations, including online transactions and client communication.
- Online Gamers: Gamers who prioritize low latency and fast download/upload speeds for a smooth gaming experience, especially in competitive online gaming.
- Content Creators: YouTubers, streamers, podcasters, and other content creators who upload large media files regularly and require speedy uploads for their work.
- Educational Institutions: Schools, colleges, and universities that rely on high-speed internet.
- Healthcare Facilities: Hospitals, clinics, and healthcare providers need fast and reliable internet.