10 Common Illness Symptoms Of Dogs and Cats

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Defaecation changes

If your pet has persistent diarrhoea or constipation lasting for longer than 48 hours, and there is any difference in the poo (like the presence of blood or mucus). You would better visit vet, and take a fresh poo sample when visiting if possible.


Vomiting can be a sign of a developing allergy or a more serious infection. If your pet vomits just once or twice and nothing unusual about their behaviour or health, it would probably be no need to worry. However, if your pet keeps vomiting, you should go to the vet.

Itching or flaking skin

The skin condition is a general indicator of your pets’ health. Healthy pets’ skin should be smooth and pink or black. If your pets’ skin appears persistent itching, sores, lumps and signs of dermatitis, a trip to the vet is a good idea.

Urine changes

Changes in urine may involve the amounts or colour of urine, frequency or location. Your pet could have difficulty urinating that yelping or a hunched back when urinating.

Appetite or drinking changes

The amount your pet eats and drinks could be an early indicator of some diseases, and these diseases are more common among senior pets. If your pet refuses to eat for a day or more or unusually excessive thirst, you should consult your vet.

General lethargy, tiredness

If for any reason your pet just is not his or her normal (like sleeping more), healthy, active self or behaving differently, this might tell you that your pet is not well. Your pet might have: high body temperature, systemic disease (like low red blood cell count, liver or kidney disease), painful joints, spine neurological problems, senility changes.


Coughing is a non-specific symptom and may have multiple causes, like Kennel Cough(for dogs), upper respiratory tract infection/irritation, heart disease, heartworm disease, asthma, lung disease, etc. While it may not sound like a serious problem, sometimes it is a sign of some serious illness.

Bad breathe

Bad breathe could be the result of dental disease. You might also find that your pets’ gum reddened or swollen. When severe, your pet may lose teeth, drop food from their mouths.


Limp or gait change indicates that walking is painful for your pets, which is similar to human joints, muscle or bone injuries. Your pet’s limping could be caused by the following reasons:
  • bone tumours
  • muscle soreness
  • spinal problems
  • cruciate ligament rupture
  • fractured bones
  • arthritis
  • growth abnormalities
  • patella luxating

Eyes, ears and nose problems

Problems noted with eyes, ears and nose should get attention. For eyes, signs could be red, runny, swollen eyes or your pet squints uncomfortably. For ears, your pet might redness in the ears, shake his or her head, scratch at his or her ears, unusual discharge or unpleasant smell. For the nose, your pet may sneeze, panting, runny nose or other flu-like symptoms.

Why you need pet insurance

As a human, pets are also at the risk of various diseases and accidents. We all want pets to stay with us happily and healthily as long as possible, but costly veterinary bills always put us in a dilemma. With pet insurance, we can save money when our pets are injured or ill, without struggling between financial stability and pets’ life, just enjoy a pleasant time with pets.

The importance of pet insurance

It is quite common for pets to fall ill or experience a variety of injuries throughout their life. To avoid making the difficult decision between saving a great amount of money or keeping your little family member safe and healthy, having the pet insurance would be considerable. With the pet insurance, you can pay more attention to the health of you a little family member without worrying about the cost of their cares. Moreover, when your pet is lost or stolen, the policy of some pet insurance including providing funds for the reward to people who has found your pet.

Pet Insurance for Cats

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To View All Cat Policies

Pet Insurance for Dogs

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To View All Dog Policies

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