Newtown - Greater Geelong, VIC

2023 Crime Rates

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Latest Crime Rates

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No of offences (2023 Crime Rates), people in 2021

Crime Statistics

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Common FAQ about Newtown - Greater Geelong, VIC Criminal

  • What is rate of criminal against person in Newtown - Greater Geelong, VIC?

    In 2023, there were 48 offenses against persons in Newtown - Greater Geelong, VIC, including robbery, assault, stalking, and other crimes.

  • What is the rate of property crime in Newtown - Greater Geelong, VIC?

    In 2023, there were 344 property crime offenses in Newtown - Greater Geelong, VIC, including arson, theft, burglary, and other related crimes.

  • What is the number of drug offenses in Newtown - Greater Geelong, VIC?

    In 2023, Newtown - Greater Geelong, VIC recorded 42 drug offenses, including drug dealing, drug use, drug manufacturing, and other related crimes.

*Unincorporated/Out Of Council - Areas that are not governed by a local government authority

Source: Crime Statistics Agency (CSA), Australian Bureau of Statistics

Victoria Overview


Latest Crime in Newtown - Greater Geelong, VIC


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